I have been working really hard with Carson on learning to identify the letters of the alphabet and all of their sounds. You don't just have to learn 26 letters, you have to learn 52! Upper case, lower case and all of their sounds. It's a tough thing to tackle. But these have been most helpful:
"mom, me and Kennedy's name (she is the "mean girl" at preschool....probably worthy of a post in itself) both start with the same sound."
"That's right Carson! So, what letter do you think her name starts with?"
"Well, either a C or a K."
I almost started crying. Actually, I started screaming and he started laughing. Then he said "ask me more letters and sounds." So, I did. And he shocked me! It was like he was just holding out for this moment when he would choose to prove to me just how much he knows. So, we continue to review the flash cards everyday. But, our days are full of sounding out all of the things we do and see throughout the day. And, identifying the letters that make those sounds. It is music to my ears.
It is so fun to watch this little guy grow up. He will be 5 this year and I'm not sure how that happened. I'm so glad I was able to spend 4 years with just him.
Carson, thank you for being such a blessing to me. Thank you for helping me learn how to be a mom, and for being patient with me as I make mistakes along the way. You are my favorite little boy! I love you. And, I am so proud of you!
1 comment:
Way to go Carson! What does Lindsay start with?!
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