Monday, April 11, 2011

Growing growing growing!

Preslie's stats at her 4 month exam:

Weight: 13 lbs, 8 oz 50th percentile
Height: 24 1/4 inches 50th percentile
Head circum: 15 3/4 25th percentile

She has rolls from her arms down to her ankles and yet...she is considered "average".
She smiles the biggest smiles you've ever seen.

Her head is small, but her ears make up for that(thanks daddy!).
She finally decided to roll...twice. Otherwise, she is not in any hurry to be mobile. I'm okay with that.
She has however decided its time to sit up. She is LOVING that. And so are we!
She is the absolute sweetest happiest little girl ever! We love you Preslie Shay!

1 comment:

Lindsay Thomas said...

I can't believe she's sitting! How did she grow up so fast!?